Friday, 27 November 2015

Keyloger,,,Webcam Logger,,,Screen Logger,,,Clipboard Logger,,,,, Webpage Loader/Ad Visitor,,,,,crypter,,,How do I Protect Myself Against Keyloggers

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keylogger introduction or kinds & generating

Hello guys today i am exactly going to start with the tutorial explanation i will get you the complete tutorials you got knowledge of key logger

Notification:All this tutorial was for demonstration and security purpose. if you use it for bad things it's going to be for your own risk please.


There are many methods you can hack victim - (RATs, Keyloggers, attack and Password hijacker) I will teach you in this tutorial how you will managed Keylogger and also protect yourself against them.

Keylogger definition?:

A keylogger is a program that records a persons keystrokes (everything they type) and send the logs back to the the hacker by either email of FTP. Good keyloggers also detail what program the keystrokes were typed into.

Stage Settings.:

For this tutorial I will be using images from Unknown Logger V 1.3.3 as I believe that it is very thorough logger but there are many free keyloggers which I will link in another section

An image as a link: W3Schools


With email I advice you create a two new email addresses (one for sending and one for receiving) and not to use your private email. Gmail is for the most part what people use as while it can hold great quantity of logs and is protected make safe if you have the settings right.

Email Address::

you put your email address into that, unmistakably.


you put in the password of your Keylogger email. I advise you a new email address has a different email than your private email address because if you have it as your recovery email they can visualize the address & login with the related password.

SMTP Server::

Is what place you arrive your email. So for Gmail it will be Smtp gmail .com & for Hotmail it will be . You be able search for these if you are not sure.

Logs Sent To::

you put what place are logs will be sent to. You will able to set this as the related email address you used in the beginning ground but this will be less secure and you will be much safer having them sent to a others email with a different pass. Port.this is the SMTP port. For Gmail this port is 587. You can look up what port your email provider uses.

FTP port.:

For FTP you need FTP server. There are many sites that offering FTP like http://www.drivehq.comor just go here:


Your FTP Username (you will be given this)


You will be given this or asked to make one be able to trust; rely on host


This is the FTP address what place it will save logs. You have to given address in reach your host.

I will give you the advice test these. Lots of keyloggers offer you a button to test.


Icons add to your servers credibility.


you put the address of the icon you want to use here. If you are going to be crypting or binding there's no need.

File Pumper:

File Pumpers grow the size of the server file. This is used to build it more able.


here you put how multiple KB/MB/GB you want to grow your file.


Here you select what format the number you have in the Add box was in (KB, MB or GB). KB stage for Kilobytes and will be used for very small amounts. MB stage for Megabyte and will be best if you are say, binding it with a song. Songs are usually 4-6MB. GB stands for Gigabytes and would be used for extremely files like Adobe C26 Suite will be 200GB or more than.

Send Logs Time break:

This is valuable. This is how frequently you want the logger to send keylogs. Don't set it too little because you will just get great quantity of very insufficient logs, and don't set it too extremely to say 2 hours as your victim mightn't use the PC for that long and it will never get sent. Best setting will be 30-60 mints.


just the name that it will put in the file it produce.The checkbox is self-descriptive

An image as a link: suzimaan


These disable or build your server undetectable to antiviruses and sandboxes & other forms of security. It change from program to program what way the antis work. I will recommend enabl these as they allow your keylogger to be on the computer for longer.


These methods of infecting more computers using your victims computer. They operate by infecting files sent on P2P programs (Limewire, Shareaza, Emule, Bearshare etc.), infecting USB drives (USB), sending files over LAN (LAN), infecting specific file types (Rar, Zip) sending files of chat and messaging applications (Outlook, Omegle, MSN, Yahoo, Skype, ICQ) and other methods. Spreaders are always accessible for catching more victims with small effort as it uses your victims computer power exclamation than your time & strength.


Stealers take logins & keys for various programs. They make the process of taking usernames and passwords a lot ASAP as you won't need to search done endless logs.

scam pages or fuck masges:

Possibly the silliest feature (yet for some reason every RAT and Keylogger has one) and one I will advise you not to use it. Basically what it does is bring up a fake error message on your victims PC. If you do use this it will be quite accessible to the user that their PC is spoil and they will displace your keylogger.

Webcam Logger:

This will take pictures/video with the webcam on the victim's PC if they have one. Set the break the same as the logs break ahead if you need to use it.

Screen Logger:

This will take screenshots of the victim's screen every period of time. Set it the same as logs too if you want to use it. If it is set too low you will have too much data.

Clipboard Logger:

This saves text because the victim copies to the clipboard. So basically everything copy is saved

An image as a link: suzimaan

Download and Execute:

Its most valuable that you be in possible on each keylogger or RAT that you use. It possible you to install one more keylogger or RAT on your victims PC. That is conforming that you can change to another RAT or keylogger come after he give you more victims to connect other people. Add link(s) to places where you can put a file to download and execute if you always need it eg:
OR you can make a decrease link at bit.and direct it to your server when you got it

Webpage Loader/Add Visitor:

This opens webpages and ads. Its obvious and you will alert your victim that hr are poison. You will use affiliate links and other methods to get money from this feature.

Run at Startup:

It will start the keylogger on start up. Tick it no matter what you got.


This deletes the server file once it has poison the PC.


Click + several times. This helps make it more undetectable.

Text to Speech:

This will play a message using Windows text-to-speech feature when server is installed. Similar to Fake Message it alerts the victim that they are infected and has no benefit so I advise you not to use it

Assembly Changer:

This changes the Assembly Information on your file. If you go to the properties of any file on your computer and go to Properties>Assembly you will see information about the file. That's what the Assembly Changer changes.

Cookie Deleters:

These are brilliant! If your victim has saved their passwords for different sites they won't need type them in and your keylogger won't get them so what this does is delete their cookies so that they have to login again.

Website Blocker:

This blocks websites. The options given in this picture block Virus scanning websites but you can add other sites too.


These disable different windows features on the victim's computer so that it is harder for them to remove your virus. If your victim is savvy they will notice this straight away and remove the keylogger very quickly. I wouldn't use these except maybe Disable system restore, disable registry tools and disable registry as these are not used as often and wouldn't be noticed.


Worms make your victim spread your virus to his contacts and whatever the plug their USB stick into etc. Our example above had worm options (spreaders) but not every keylogger, RAT etc have worm/spreading options.


Crypting is important if you want to get lots of victims and keep them for a long time. It makes your server undetectable to Anti-viruses. FUD stands for Fully-undetectable and UD stands for Un-Detectable. FUD crypters are the best especially private ones.


Binding is when you bind your server with another file or program. It is very useful for spreading. You would bind your server with chess game.exe (for example) and say "Hey check this cool game out!" and when they open it the game will open but so will the RAT. The victim would be none the wiser on whether they were infected or not whereas they would be suspicious if nothing opened.


These are methods of getting victims for your keylogger. You should get a few and use them as effectively as possible.

How do I Protect Myself Against Keyloggers?:

Having an Anti Virus will be a start! Obviously be careful with what you download too. There is a tool that I think works very well against keyloggers. Its is called KeyScrambler. Whenever you type something it randomizes it so that if a keylogger has infected your PC they would just get logs of jumbled numbers, letters and symbols. You can get KeyScrambler here
 The Official Site
 And the user and key: Code 
If that doesn't work you can just use the free version or try to find another key If you don't want to use keyscrambler there is also Zemana Anti-Keylogger

How To Reverse Engineer a Keylogger:

This is my favorite part. If you know your PC is infected or a file is infected you can get the email login or FTP login from the server. People also go "whaling" and download obvious viruses from youtube to steal lots of keyloggers and slaves from skids. There are two ways to do this and I will explain both below.


1. Download and install WireShark if you do not already have it:         web link
    installed with it. 
2. If you have an infected file and are not yet infected then open it in SandBoxie or VirtualBox or           VMWare and follow these steps within the virtual machines. If you are already infected you can          skip to the next step.

3. Once it is installed open it up and click "Capture" on the top menu and select the interface - if you       are following in a virtual machine select that otherwise select windows or your network card.

4. Leave it on like that for about half an hour. This is to make sure the keylogger actually does                connect back while you are capturing packets. (refer back to "Time Intervals") 

5. When it is done you need to filter through the results for the FTP or email login. Type "FTP" in the      filter box and search. If a login comes up for that then they have used an FTP server to take your        keylogs. 
If not try "SMTP" to search for email login. If this dosen't work then either -
the keylogger hasn't connected back You did something wrong 
You are not infected

 6. Now that you have their login details you can take all their keyloggers and delete their keylogs of            you. Then just change the password so they no longer have access


1. Download BinText here: link.;
2. Open BinText and drag the infected file into the BinText window. 
3. Now search through it for "hotmail" "gmail" "yahoo" "ftp" etc. 
4. Self-explanatory amirite?.

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